So I'm delighted we're doing more with Eye Books. We have just licensed to Eye Books the rights to Maria Katsonis' THE GOOD GREEK GIRL, originally published to great acclaim by our Australian publisher client Ventura Press last year.

The book is a memoir of overcoming depression, after she graduated with a Master's degree from Harvard then returned home to care for her parents, and for the UK market it will be re-titled THE MIND THIEF. Maria is a vocal advocate for mental health and a senior government executive. US and translation rights are available.

Last but not least, we'll also be representing some exciting titles from Eye Books internationally. Alastair Humphreys is a full-time adventurer, author and motivational speaker, and the founder of the fantastic 'Night of Adventure' talks in London that raise money for Hope and Homes for Children; he now has a monstrous 32.8K followers on Twitter... His most recent book, published by William Collins, is about Microadventures, a project that earned him the title of National Geographic Adventurer of the Year.
His very first adventure was to spend four years cycling around the world, surviving mostly on jam sandwiches, and he has created a wonderful series of children's books about this. Part 1 is from Europe to Africa, Part 2 the Americas and Part 3 riding home through Asia, the last of which just came out a few months ago. They're original and fun and I love them. So on behalf of Eye Books I am representing THE BOY WHO BIKED THE WORLD to international publishers.

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